Staff have the option to accrue TOIL by recording overtime in the system. As with other leave requests, Admins have the option to record overtime on behalf of other staff members. 

Before any TOIL can be taken, the corresponding amount of overtime must first be entered into the system. To record overtime, go to Leave -> Leave Requests -> Submit Overtime to bring up the leave pop up. Type in the staff name in the search bar and choose whether to record TOIL in hours or days. Then fill out the relevant fields including the amount of TOIL to be accrued. 

Setting TOIL expiration date

If it fits with organisational policy, select the date at which the TOIL expires. Doing so will meant that the employee will need to take TOIL before a certain date and will not be able to carry over the leave. 

Submit overtime


Click save to submit. The overtime will now appear in the employee's leave options and they will be able to submit a TOIL request up to the amount of hours/days recorded in the overtime submission.