All Staff, Managers and HR Admins have access to the Staff Calendar, that shows when their colleagues have booked time off. In addition, they can import Calendar Feeds into applications such as Google Calendar, to see this information without logging into CiviHR.
As HR Admin, you can create different Calendar Feeds from Configure -> Leave -> Calendar Feeds.
- Enter a suitable name for the feed.
- Select the staff whose leave information would be contained in the feed. By default all staff would be included. You may choose to create feeds by Department, Location or both.
- Select the leave types that will be displayed using the feed in third party calendars like Google.
- Select the timezone applicable for the Staff Calendar.
- Enable if you would like Staff to view and use the feed from their Self Service Portals, and save.
You can edit, disable or delete feeds from the same page by going to Configure -> Leave -> Calendar Feeds. Click on View Feed Link to copy this feed in order to add it to your own calendar application.
Depending on the permissions you have set while creating the feed, Staff and Managers will be able to add this feed from their SSP under My Leave -> Calendar tab into their own third party calendars.
All Calendar feeds make some or all of your staff leave data public to the internet. Anyone with the appropriate feed link will be able to view the data available on the feed. This may include former employees or any other persons who your employee may share the calendar feed link with. Please consider carefully whether this will be suitable for your organisation.