Organisations often have standardised steps for HR processes like Joining or Exiting. HR Admins strive to make sure that all tasks that would ensure a smooth onboarding experience for new joinees are completed on time. This could mean coordinating with IT to get a new work email address created, with the Office Manager to get a desk assigned, and with HR team members to get the appropriate paperwork completed. Similarly, if someone is leaving the organisation, HR Admins must make sure that all offboarding tasks are completed before the staff member exits. They would coordinate with Facilities to return any assets issued to the staff member, IT to block work email, conduct an exit interview and so on.
With CiviHR Workflows, HR Admins are able to quickly generate and automatically assign tasks and documents for any such standard process. They are able to see all open tasks and documents on their dashboard, follow up with quick reminders and close them as they get completed. This takes away the complexity of remembering what's going on with each task when multiple onboardings, offboardings, contract renewals, and more must be managed at the same time!
Setting up Workflow Templates is a one-time exercise. Once these templates are set up, HR Admins can click on Add Workflow to delegate and schedule tasks. These tasks get added to the Tasks and Documents Dashboard for easy tracking and follow up.
Add a New Workflow Template
- Go to Configure -> Tasks -> Workflow Types
- Give the Workflow Template a suitable Title
- Click on the dropdown to Add New Task or Document.
- Type in the name of the task or document you would like to add to your workflow. As you type in a Task or Document Type, CiviHR filters possible matches from existing tasks. For new Tasks and Documents, click on the highlighted bar to open up the New Tasks or Document popup.
- Select whether you would like to add a Task or Document, give it a suitable name and save.
- The new Task or Document will get added to the workflow as the next item on the list. You can re-order it by using the highlighted icon.
The following screenshot shows the new Workflow screen with some sample tasks and documents added in.
- Offset is used to automatically set the due date for each Task or Document from the Joining or Exiting Date. For example, if the Joining Date is November 1st and offset is -7, the system will automatically calculate the due date for collecting the signed contract document 7 days in advance.
- You can set the default assignee for each Task or Document to save time when you manage new Joining or Exiting workflows later. CiviHR can automatically assign Tasks and Documents to your colleagues in the following ways:
- None: Pick this option where the task could be assigned to the new joinee or any staff member as needed.
- By relationship to staff member: Pick this option when the Task must be assigned as per lines of reporting. In the example above, the Line Manager of the new joinee will organise the welcome lunch, and confirm the end of probation date.
- Specific contact: Pick this when a particular person in the organisation is responsible for the task at hand. In the example above, Peter is responsible for creating any new work email addresses when anyone joins.
- User who starts the workflow: Pick this option when you would like to assign the task to HR Admins only.
- Save the workflow at the end of the page.
Using your newly created workflow
Let us say you have a new joinee starting from November 16th, 2018.
From the top menu, go to Tasks -> Tasks. This will take you to the Task Dashboard. Click on Add Workflow as shown below:
The following popup opens:
Fill in the name of the new joinee, select the Joining workflow template and the date of joining. The system automatically creates a list of all tasks and documents that are part of your standard Joining process. It automatically pulls the names of the people who should be assigned various tasks based on the defaults you had set. It also calculates the due dates for each task from the date of joining by using the Offset.
Assignees and Due Dates can be edited by clicking on the value to be changed and picking a new value. You can un-check any Tasks or Documents that would not apply to this particular joinee.
Save the Joining workflow at the end of the popup. All tasks and documents get added to your Tasks and Documents dashboard for easy tracking. Each Assignee gets an email notification alerting them that they have been given a task by you, and will also see the list of things they must do in their Self Service Portal.
For minor variations in procedure
The Joining process for office staff may be different from that of Board Members. For such variations, HR Admins can create different Timelines under the same Workflow Template. Each timeline allows you to pick different tasks and documents. In this way, you can create as many lists of tasks and documents to accommodate variations in Joining procedure for your organisations.