Imagine there is an audit around the corner and you need staff identification, visas, and Right to Work documents on file. Imagine a staff member's passport is expiring and you need them to be reminded automatically to upload a copy of the new one.

We know these situations are far too common in reality. 

Using the Documents feature, you can delegate the scanning and uploading of documents to different members of staff, set reminders against document records to email a prompt when they need renewing, and store PDF copies of these documents against the relevant staff record. 

Request a staff member to upload a document

HR Admins can request staff members to upload copies of documents such as signed contracts conveniently from their own Self Service Portal. These documents get added automatically to the Documents tab of the Staff Record on the HR Admin side. 

No more frantic searches for paper records or email attachments when an audit is right round the corner!

Uploading a document

  • Go to the Staff's profile page, and click on the Documents tab. Click "Add Document".
  • Select the Document Type. This list can be customised by using the adjacent Tool icon.
  • Click on the Assignments tab. 
  • Click on Add Assignee, and add the staff member's name here. Only the Assignee can see the document request in their Self Service Portal. 
  • Add a Due Date. 
  • Fill in any other details, and save. 

Assigning documents

The Assignee staff will get an email notification requesting them to upload a document by the due date. They can log into their Self Service Portal and upload the file from the Tasks screen. 

When a staff uploads a document, an email notification alerts the HR Admins to review the file. HR Admins can Approve or Reject uploaded documents. 

If an uploaded document is Rejected, HR Admin must create a fresh document upload request using the above process. 

Share a document with a staff member

HR Admins can also share documents such as payslips with individual members of staff. Staff will be able to download such documents from their Self Service Portal. 

To do so:

  • Go to the Staff's profile page, and click on the Documents tab. Click "Add Document".
  • Select the Document Type.
  • Upload the file you would like to share with the staff member. 
  • Click on the Assignments tab. 
  • Click on Add Assignee, and add the staff member's name here. Only the Assignee will be able to see the document in their Self Service Portal. 
  • Set Document Status to Approved. 
  • Fill in any other details, and save. 

The Assignee staff will get an email notification about the shared document.  

Follow up via Quick Reminders 

The Documents Dashboard lists all pending Document submissions to enable HR Admins to follow up quickly on them. Click on the 3-dot Action ellipsis to  send quick reminder emails. 

Send a reminder

Re-assign document upload request

HR Admins can re-assign documents by editing the document listing, either from the Documents tab of the staff profile or the Documents Dashboard.  Click on the 3-dot Action ellipsis to edit the document assignee.

When a document is re-assigned, both the original and the new Assignees will get email notifications about the change. 

Document with a validity period or expiry date

Documents that have a validity period must be submitted each time they are renewed. It can be difficult to keep track of these dates for a range of documents for all staff in an organisation. HR Admin can choose to be reminded of such expiring documents, and request staff to submit them after renewal. 

Let us say that the HR Admin has requested a staff member to upload a copy of his Identity Card. The staff logs into his Self Service Portal, uploads a scanned copy and selects its expiry date. He then saves and sends it for approval. 

Set expiry date

The HR Admin gets an email notification. He goes to the Documents Dashboard where this submission is listed as 'Awaiting Approval'. He clicks on the 3-dot Action ellipsis and opens the document by clicking on the Edit option. He reviews the uploaded file by clicking on its name, and checks all details including the expiry date. He can then select the 'Remind Me' option to be alerted a set number of days before the document expiry. 

Set document reminder

The number of days in advance of the expiry date when an HR Admin should be alerted can be set under Configure -> Tasks -> Tasks Settings. In this example, it is ninety days. 

CiviHR will automatically create a second Document request and assign it to the same staff member ninety days before the expiry date. The staff member will be able to upload the renewed document from the Self Service Portal, as usual.